White Swiss Shepherd Dog versus the German Shepherd Dog
Are they the same dog? I am asked this over and over and over. The White Swiss Shepherd is derived from the German Shepherd. However, the White Swiss Shepherd is bred to a different breed standard.
There are a few who believe in their heart the White Swiss Shepherd and German Shepherd are the same dog. On the other hand, there are those who do not agree. Who is right or wrong?
Every Member of the FCI/ANKC who breeds dogs, has a Breed Standard that they MUST comply with!
Australia currently has 201 breed standards for purebred dogs registered with the ANKC. Take a look at what the ANKC has to say and the procedure to change a breed standard.
Let us compare with the different breed standards. As there is no such breed as a White Shepherd in Australia or recognised by the FCI, we will refer to the FCI German Shepherd breed standard GSD 166.
We have compared BOTH breed standards in detail.
There are a few who believe in their heart the White Swiss Shepherd and German Shepherd are the same dog. On the other hand, there are those who do not agree. Who is right or wrong?
Every Member of the FCI/ANKC who breeds dogs, has a Breed Standard that they MUST comply with!
Australia currently has 201 breed standards for purebred dogs registered with the ANKC. Take a look at what the ANKC has to say and the procedure to change a breed standard.
Let us compare with the different breed standards. As there is no such breed as a White Shepherd in Australia or recognised by the FCI, we will refer to the FCI German Shepherd breed standard GSD 166.
We have compared BOTH breed standards in detail.
Body |
White Swiss Shepherd Dog FCI Breed Standard 347 |
German Shepherd Dog Breed Standard 166 |
Head |
Slightly longer from stop to nose leather, than stop to occiput. Head length 35% of height to withers. |
50/50 – Stop to nose: stop to occiput. Head length 40% of height to withers. |
Body |
12:10 Length (point of shoulder to point of buttock) Height (withers to ground) |
10:9-8.5 Length (point of shoulder to point of buttock) Height (withers to ground) |
Chest depth |
50 - 55% (50% ideal) of height to withers. |
45 – 48% of height to withers. |
Shoulder angle |
90° |
90 – 110° |
Topline |
Straight & Level: The withers slope into a level, straight back with a gentle slope over the croup to the set on the tail. |
Straight: Straight also does not mean level, straight can be at a gentle slope towards the croup. |
Colour |
White only |
The colour white is not permitted. N/B: The ANKC CAN & DO register German Shepherd dogs of the colour WHITE in 2015. If parents of a white puppy is registered with the ANKC, & the breeder is a current ANKC member, ALL offspring CAN and WILL be given ANKC papers. |
Feet |
Oval |
Rounded |
White Swiss Shepherd Dog FCI Breed Standard 347 |
German Shepherd Dog Breed Standard 166 |
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY – FROM THE FCI WSSD STANDARD In USA and Canada white shepherd dogs have gradually become accepted as a distinct breed. The first dogs of this breed were imported to Switzerland in the early 70s. The American male ‘Lobo’, whelped on March 5, 1966, is considered the progenitor of the breed in Switzerland. His descendants were registered with the Swiss Stud Book (LOS) along with other white shepherd dogs imported from the US and Canada. Gradually the breed grew. Today there are many purebred dogs, bred, over several generations, throughout the world. In June 1991, these dogs were registered as a new breed with the appendix of the Swiss Stud Book (LOS). |
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY – FROM THE FCI GSD BREED STANDARD The German Shepherd Dog, was first bred as planned in the year 1899, when the founding of the GSD Verein, was bred from the central German and South German strains of the existing herding dogs of those times. The final goal was to create a working dog, predisposed to high working aptitude. In order to reach this goal, the Breed Standard was created as a blueprint to breed to. The breed standard sets out ranges for the physical and temperaments characteristics. It also sets out what should be considered minor and major faults. |
BEHAVIOUR/CHARACTER Lively, without nervousness, attentive and watchful; towards strangers sometimes slightly aloof but never apprehensive or aggressive. |
BEHAVIOUR/CHARACTER The German Shepherd Dog must be of well-balanced temperament, steady of nerve, self-assured, absolutely free and easy, and (unless provoked) completely good natured, as well as alert and tractable. He must have courage, combative instinct and hardness, in order to be suitable as companion, watch, protection, service and herding dog. |
GENERAL APPEARANCE A powerful, well-muscled, medium-sized, white shepherd dog with erect ears, double coat or long double coat or long double coat; elongated shape; medium sized bone and elegant, harmonious outline. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS:
GENERAL APPEARANCE The German Shepherd Dog is medium sized, slightly elongated, powerful and well-muscled, the bones dry and the overall structure firm. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The height of withers:
White Swiss Shepherd Dog FCI Breed Standard 347 |
German Shepherd Dog Breed Standard 166 |
HEIGHT Height at withers: Dogs: 60 - 66 cm. Bitches: 55 - 61 cm. Weight: Dogs: 30 - 40 kg. Bitches: 25 - 35 kg. Typical dogs slightly under or oversize should not be eliminated. |
HEIGHT Height at withers: Dogs: 60 – 65 cm (23½ - 25½ ins) Bitches: 55 – 60 cm (21½ - 23½ ins Weight: Dogs: 30 – 40 kg (66 – 88 lbs) Bitches: 22 – 32 kg (48 – 71 lbs). |
EYES Medium-sized, almond shaped, placed a little obliquely; colour brown to dark brown; eye lids well-fitting with black eye-rims desirable. Expressive, showing intelligence and attentiveness. Clear and framed by black almond shaped eyelids. Of moderate size, set a little obliquely, neither prominent nor sunken, with pupils' dark, well defined and perfectly positioned. Colour is brown. One eye or both eyes blue, protruding eyes, entropion and ectropion are all listed as eliminating faults. As is total loss of pigment on the eye rims and albinism. |
EYES: The eyes are of medium size, almond shaped, slightly oblique and not protruding. The colour of the eyes should be as dark as possible. Light piercing eyes are not desirable as they detract from the expression of the dog. |